for printed plastic bags call
01438 742890
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Printed Plastic Bags

We are an award winning Polythene Supplier of printed plastic bags and have been established for 24 years.

We provide in excess of 250,000,000 printed plastic bags and polythene bags a year to hundreds of the largest bag users in the UK.

We are suppliers of printed plastic bags to the following industries:

5 reasons why you should choose us for your Printed Plastic Bags

In a world of uncertainty you can rely on us because:
"We have no bank funding
or long term debt."
"We have been profitable for
23 consecutive years & remain so."
"We have had 24 consecutive
years of sales growth."
"We credit insure
all our customers."
"Riskdisk Ltd state we are a
"Good risk OK to offer your best terms."
"ICC Info. Ltd state you can 'Trade with confidence, low risk potential'"
our printed plastic bags